Jacob Elordi is an Australian actor who rose to prominence as Noah Flynn in the Netflix film “The Kissing Booth.” This role, showcasing him as the...
Carlos Irwin Estévez, better known as Charlie Sheen, is an American actor with a prolific career spanning over five decades. He is known for his work...
Metawin Opas-iamkajorn, widely known as Win, is a talented and versatile Thai actor of Chinese descent. His rise to fame in 2020 with his acting debut...
Clinton Joshua Ezewele, popularly known as Clinton Joshua, is a Nigerian actor and model who gained prominence after starring in the movie “When Angels Meet.” The...
Peter Hayden Dinklage, commonly known as Zelig Dinklage, is an incredibly talented American actor known for his remarkable performances on stage and screen. He has received...
Indio Downey is a talented young musician and actor who has made a name for himself in the entertainment industry. As the son of Hollywood superstar...
Thato Dithebe (born 21 November 2000) is a multifaceted talent from South Africa. He is best known for his versatility as an actor and television personality,...
Tony Bellew is a former English professional boxer and actor who made a name for himself in the boxing world with impressive skills and determination. Born...
Aaron Paul Sturtevant, widely recognized by his stage name Aaron Paul, is a talented American actor and producer who has made a significant impact in the...
Charlie Heaton is a talented English actor and musician, best known for his performance as Jonathan Byers in the hit Netflix science fiction series Stranger Things....