Cute Abiola, also known as Abdulgafar Ahmad Oluwatoyin, is a Nigerian comedian, social media celebrity, and content producer. He rose to fame through his hilarious comedy...
Malaika Radebe is the daughter of prominent South African businesswoman Bridgette Radebe, of Tswana descent. Bridgette is also the sister of well-known South African businessman Patrice...
Nomazizi Mtshotshisa, a multi-talented Lawyer, Nurse, and activist known as the ex-wife of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa. Cyril Ramaphosa is a South African businessman and...
Ronald Federico Araújo da Silva, better known as Ronald Araújo, is a talented footballer who has made a name for himself in the professional soccer world....
Alisha Kone is a well-known Russian TikTok personality and musician, famous for her captivating dance videos and entertaining content. With over 4.6 million followers on her...
Curtis Julian Jones, famously known as Curtis Jones, is a highly skilled English footballer who has made a name for himself playing as a midfielder for...
David Michael Bautista Jr. is a multi-talented American actor, retired professional wrestler, and mixed martial artist. Between 2002 and 2019, he gained widespread recognition for his...
Peter Mashata is a renowned South African soul music DJ and all-round entertainer. He is best known for his hit song “Tsohle Baby,” which has become...
Stephen Letoo is a prominent Kenyan media figure widely recognized for his insightful reporting and analysis of political affairs. As a senior political journalist, presenter, and...
Reece Walsh is known for his speed, agility, and ball-handling skills. He made his NRL debut in 2021 and has quickly gained recognition as one of...